Hope Tastes Like Coffee Cake
Welcome to B Side Becca. Ever get to what feels like the end of Side A in your life as kids get older, work roles change, parents need you in a different way? You sit in the pause wondering if any B side song could ever be as good as the hit single already played? It takes motivation to keep listening, keep seeking to try new things, and learning. Hope to believe there's more to be heard, sung and shared. Faith that the Lord has a plan and purpose for you as you embrace changes and new chances. I'm there. And I'm ready to flip the record.
Bible Literacy Library: A Bible, A Dictionary & An Atlas
Starting a Bible Literacy Journey
Take a Hike: Hiking the Trails of the Indiana Dunes
What I've Been Reading Summer '24 Edition
{Book Review} Best Books of Winter
{Book Review} What I Read in November
5 Things a Daily Walk Has Taught Me
{Book Reviews} What I Read in September
ecclesiastes 3: seasons of life & the vanity of it all
I Shall Not Want: what a grocery budget challenge teaches me about God
{Book Review} August Books: Winners & Losers
5 Ways You Can Make Your 2023 4th Quarter Count
Theology Thursday: Prayer Wrap Up
5 Favorite Chicago Foods & Places (i'm guessing you haven't tried!)
Fairly Local: Supporting Your Local Church
{TryDay} Ordering Groceries & Meals Through the Mail - My Review
5 Tips for How To Read Through the Bible
{TryDay} Book Reviews & July Days
{Book Review} When God is Silent: Let the Bible Teach You to Pray by John Koessler