A year ago, I found myself in a new state, new community, new church, not knowing very many people, and missing my old job, my friends, my comfort level of knowing the backroads. Feeling my age ticking up, up, up, it made me a bit melancholy, wondering if I had the energy to start over, try again, keep dreaming. Wondering if I was accomplishing what I was meant to do, making any meaningful impact at all, or had I missed it? Being one who loves music, I couldn't escape the image of a record, all the hit singles from the A side having been played, wondering what was on the B Side, hopeful there was more and praying for courage to try. (Hint: There is more. It is worth it. You are here for a reason.)
Who am I? I'm a mother of three young adult children, a pastor's daughter, a lady who's lost both my parents to cancer, and the owner of a Master's Degree in Theological and Biblical Studies. I love a good book, a good cup of coffee and a good afternoon spent organizing. The perfect notebook is yet to be found, and I find itchy sweaters to be one of the biggest disappointments in life.
Join me on the blog for faith, questions and stories from the B Side of life.